What do you see in a child?

What you do think of when you see a child? Sleepless nights? Dirty nappies? Teeth-less mouth and slobbery finger? When I see a child, I see purity, a human being who is not affected by the surrounding people and does not care about others’ opinion. An toddler or a preschooler is a blank page that can be filled with knowledge, including pain, happiness, despair, and many other feelings. As a parent, you probably want to your child all the best, but I believe that a person has to go through thick and thin to build his/her personality.

Up until now I have believed that I am not going to let my child experience what I experienced in my early days; and I, I reckon, experienced a lot: I went through fears, distrust, and sadness. I was not happy with my clothes, but I did not blame my parents. I was not happy about my appearance, and, honestly, I did not blame anyone. I did not like the fact that I was (and I am now) taller than everyone one in my class, but I had never come up with an I idea to blame anyone. I did not ask anything, but received as much as I needed at that time and I am grateful for that.

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Embrace the spring or how I discovered time-lapse photography

It’s been a busy time. Writing a MA thesis and working full-time, I barely have time for myself.

I have always loved taking pictures. Simple pictures. No sophistication. Maybe that’s how I see the world? Anyways, I love hearing the snap sound, the result in my view screen, and the fact that I can get back to that specific moment in the future.

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